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Showing posts from August, 2011

Refuse-derived fuel (RDF), A Safe Waste Solution

In our everyday lives, we always encounter trash. It is everywhere and present in everything that we do. There are a lot of ways that we can do to manage our waste. It can start in as simple as avoiding to have trash or using recyclable materials so we can lessen our garbage. Landfill is one of the most commonly used waste management method that is being done in most countries. But nowadays, we are encountering issues with regards to excessive and lack of location for landfills. One solution that is being done for this is turning waste into energy. It is a waste management process wherein waste are being recovered to produce energy that can be used for electricity and create fuel. Although incineration is considered as one of the oldest and effective way to eliminate waste, studies says that it has negative impacts to the environment. Since incineration has a process includes releasing of ashes and flue gases, it is considered as harmful to mankind. That is why, waste to energy e

RDF, an Answer to Waste

Waste management concept is to eliminate waste on earth. If not to diminish it all, minimizing the garbage is one of the main reasons why companies and the government are working on having a safe waste management procedure. For the tons and tons of garbage that we produce every day, there are different types of waste management that is being practiced today. There are different types of waste management that is conducted to different kind of waste materials. Waste management is not just working on eliminating waste but also to make use of waste into good use. There are different kinds of products that can be produce from waste to which it is properly created in waste management procedure. Refuse-derived fuel - RDF is one product that is being produced from waste material. It is a fuel that can be used to provide electricity. Shed and burn is the main procedure in making RDF. Municipal solid waste like plastics and biodegradable waste which are separated from metals and inert wa

Significance of RDF to Our Environment

Refuse-derived fuel or RDF is the secondary fuel produced by shredding municipal waste (MSW) converting it to energy. Noncombustible materials like metals and gas are removed prior to making refuse-derived fuel. The production and use of the secondary fuel has been helpful to the community and to assess the environmental impacts of using and producing Refuse-derived fuel (RDF), it is necessary to compare this practice with not using Refuse-derived fuel as an alternative for waste management. The production and use of Refuse-derived fuel is connected with various environmental effects. In general point of view, the protection of resources is likely to be the main ecological rationalization for the production and utilization of refuse-derived fuels. This indirect environmental benefit should be considered an absolute environmental impact. The process of series production and use of refuse-derived fuel goes with several direct impacts, starting with the collection and transporta