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Showing posts from September, 2011

Electronic Wastes and the Environment

High-technology gadget is the fashion in today’s generation. Some people think that you are too old or outdated if you do not have the latest type of computer or cellular phones. Even cellular phones are not called as simple as “cell phones” but there are smart phones, iPhone, and palm. Having computers with bulky monitors and CPU is even considered obsolete since there are laptops, iPad, and even phones that can be used as computers. With this advancement in technology, comes the growth of electronic wastes and the environment is the one who suffer. Since electronic wastes have harmful components that can cause health risk to humans and pollution to the environment, it is very much needed that it is properly disposed and managed. The harmful substance that electronic waste have that is considered a threat to the environment includes lead, copper, tin, mercury, sulphur and many more. Though these substance are also considered part of the environment since these are mostly miner

E-waste Disposal

Advancement in technology is continuously growing and speeding everyday. Computers, cellular phones and electronic gadgets are becoming a trend in today’s generation. People are changing their gadgets just like the way they change their clothes. With this advancement, there has been a growth in electronic wastes and environment is at stake in this regard. Although electronic wastes can be re-used and recycled, some of the companies does not practice it and use new materials to produce new types of gadgets. Electronic waste or sometimes called e-wastes can vary from computers, television, printers, cellular phones, fax machines and even house appliances like refrigerator, vacuum, and rice cooker. There are harmful materials in electronic wastes and environment protection and safety is much needed to save mankind. Since harmful wastes like lead, copper and zinc that are part of electronic gadgets can be a health-risk to humans who are exposed to it. Proper waste management and dis