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Top 10 Ways to Conserve Energy

You probably often come across articles about how to conserve energy several times while browsing the web. I do. But did you ever really read it and practice the tips? I don’t. But now I have to create my own list of top 10 ways to conserve energy and I might really consider putting it into practice. Our utility bill at home is taking up a huge chunk of our monthly budget and would you believe, there’s a sense of accomplishment in doing it. Knowing that you have control in lowering your expenses and that you are actually doing the environment a favor when you make a conscious effort to conserve energy. These won’t require you to change your lifestyle - just slight modifications, some discipline and commitment. So try to do these simple ways to conserve energy:

  1. Set aside one day for ironing clothes you will be using for the whole week. Not only will it save you time in getting ready for work in the morning. But a significant decrease in your next bill will be apparent. And schedule it by night or by late afternoon when the temperature is lower to consume less electricity
  2. Schedule a laundry day. If you hand wash your clothes, you’d save on your water bill. You’d lessen the number of loads and thus save on your electric bill as well if you are using the washing machine.
  3. Using renewable energy is also a way to conserve energy. Solar powered chargers and water heaters are now out in the market. The price might make you think twice but the savings you get in the long run will have you smiling.
  4. They might cost more but opt for compact fluorescent lights over standard incandescent bulbs as they provide better lighting and are more energy-efficient. CFLs actually use 75% less electricity than the traditional ones.
  5. Regularly defrost your refrigerator to lessen the energy required for the motor to work. Make sure that the condenser coils at the back of your refrigerator are being cleaned from time to time. Doing so improves its efficiency.
  6. Unplug appliances that are not in use. Yes. Appliances still have electricity running through their chords if they remain plugged. Leaving your PC on sleep mode and your chargers still plugged when you’re done charging is not a very good idea, either.
  7. Set timer for your AC. It won’t be such a discomfort, especially on cooler days, to turn off the AC at around 3 or 4am and just use the fan.
  8. Avoid letting the water run when you are washing your hands or brushing your teeth. You can use a glass or tumbler. Installing low-flow shower heads and faucets can also help.
  9. Open your windows at daytime to let natural light in and allow ventilation.
  10. Have an itinerary for your weekend schedule to save on gas. The visit to your dentist, a badminton game, meeting up with friends in a mall or going to the grocery can be arranged so that you don’t have to drive back and forth. A good way to not just save energy but to save time as well.
You are most likely aware of these top 10 ways to save energy tips but never really consider doing them. But it’d hit you while you are saying bye-bye to your hard-earned money, thinking that you could have been paying less had you taken some effort to follow these tips on how to conserve energy. Come to think of it, saving energy is saving money and is also a way of saving our environment. Try to keep these top 10 ways to conserve energy in mind.


  1. We must think of alternative sources of energy which are environmental friendly.


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